
Born in 2013, Battle Tales has now become a well known name of the swiss folk metal scene. The band's narrative approach in folkloric tales and medieval-dark-fantasy stories, combined with a boundless energy on stage, has made them a very unique act in this ever-evolving genre.

The band members around a banquet table.

From left to right: Manuel Cordova (guitar), Kristopher Beaud (drums), Romaric Gendre (vocals, flute), Benjamin Bonjour (bass).

Right after the release of their first LP “The Ire of the Condemned” in 2018, the four musicians directly took a big maturity step by composing a 4-tracks EP about ancient tales from their home region. This record named "Lè lèjande dè vêr nô" ("the legends from our region" in a regional dialect from Fribourg in Switzerland), released in 2019, quickly received excellent feedbacks from the public and other actors of the scene.

After many shows in Switzerland and some very successful concerts in France and Belgium, Battle Tales will be releasing a brand new 12-tracks LP called “Greed of a King” in September 2024. Five years of work made this record reach an even higher level of musicality and narrative quality. To support this promising new material, the band developed a huge music videos project, to bring to each song the attention it deserves during the album's TV-series-like episodic release.

Before the launch of the “Greed of a King” project, Battle Tales had already totalized over 25'000 views on its Youtube channel, got a more than 20'000 listen count on Spotify, and sold hundreds of CDs at live shows and on Bandcamp.

Betting on a high quality music production, modern cross-media narrative project and extended promotion plan of their new album, Battle Tales is more than ever determined to reach a wider audience and play shows all over Europe and beyond, promoting their latest music and older classics!


Romaric Gendre

Romaric Gendre

Vocals, flute

Manuel Cordova

Manuel Cordova


Benjamin Bonjour

Benjamin Bonjour


Kristopher Beaud

Kristopher Beaud
